Friday, December 5, 2008

An Arakanese Refugee Beaten by Vietnamese

Butter Worth, Dec.2‐ Myo Hlaing holding the card ARK 5892 tried to
appease the fighting between Vietnamese in the factory in the
evening on Dec 2, 2008. However, one of the fighting groups
misunderstood on Myo Haing’s intervention. Then they fought back
Myo Hlaing with the knife and rods until he was unconscious on the
spot with the injury of his head and nearly the whole part of his body.
He was thrown by them on the roadside. The two Malaysians who
were driving on the road saw Myo Hlaing unconsciously lying on the
road. They brought him to Penang Hospital. ARRC office in Butter
Worth reported that he is now taking treatment for his injury at Ward
No.7 and Bed No. 5 in the Penang Hospital.

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